What is the joy that was set before Jesus? According to Hebrews, it was His motivation for enduring the cross, and it may surprise you.
Bishop Andrew Williams of the Anglican Diocese in New England preached this message while he visited St. Timothy. During this joyful service, he confirmed and received new members.
For many of us, idolatry is not a huge temptation. But when we see in the scripture that idolatry is bigger than bowing to idols, things get a bit more concerning. In fact, when we rely on anything other than Jesus for our ultimate satisfaction, we edge into idolatry. In today's sermon, one of our church members, Joel, shares about three False Reliances that we should guard against.
We're wrapping up our conversation abotu temptation, sin, and death. It may be surprising that God allows us to freely make our choices, since so many of them are bad. Romans 1 has the longest "vice list" of the new testament, and we discover within ourselves that we love these sins. What do we do when our personal desires don't match up with God's? Is it a matter of discovering ourselves and becoming servants of our whims, or can we be discerning enough to say no?
Is sin real? It's an importnat question, and despite what you may hear, most people believe in sin - some list of things that should never be done. Christians understand that sin is an offense against a holy God, and that we have all done the wrong thing. But the good news is that God's response to sin is not to allow us the consequeneces of our actions, but to lovingly rescue us. We look to the cross and live!
As we open the season of Lent together, we're going to take a look at the defeated enemies of the Christian: Temptation, Sin, and Death.
All of these are still part of our lives, but have been dealt with by Jesus at the cross. We begin with the story of the Fall, the temptation of Adam and Eve - then look at Jesus, and at us. The stories that temptation tells don't change - and once we know them, we can flee from them.
The People of God are a People of Transformation!
As we leave our series, we come back to the fundamental truth - Christians Grow. The Transfiguration of Jesus leads to a transformation in the disciples. It's still true - we are changed by seeing the glory of God.
This means we can look back and laugh at ourselves, grateful for our growth. it also means that our best days are always ahead of us.
The People of God are a People of Mission
Jesus came with a purpose - that the salvation of the Father would be known to the ends of the earth. The prophets and apostles sometimes fell into the trap of dreaming too small, and so do we. Jesus came to bring salvation to every tribe , people, and nation - and we continue that work as His body in the world. We are characterized by the motivation to bring His glory and salvation to all people.
There is a lot of talk about Revival in the Church! We'll always welcome it, but it's often misunderstood. Most often, revivals have been the result of a return to the Word of God, either by new access (like translation) or new focus.
2 Kings gives an account of the reform (revival) under King Josiah, who rediscovered the Law after decades of neglect - and called the people of God back to what we are - people of the Word!
There is conventional wisdom about what religious people should look like, say, and do. The message of the cross for salvation might not fit with that conventional wisdom - and that's ok! It's not stupid if it works. Throughout the scriptures, we find God calling HIs people away from conventional wisdom and into a place of trust.
It means that the People of God may appear foolish (and that's ok).
Jesus' first teaching was "Repent". The call to repentance has been constatnly part of the church for our entire history - but what does it mean? Does it make sense to yell it?
The People of God are a people of repentance. We are ready to admit our faults, change our direction, and follow our Lord together. Repentance brings us to God, brings us together, and keeps us together.
*This is part 2 of the "Family Resemblance" sermon series.