10 Weird Tricks to Living as a Christian
Paul Hines preaches from Hebrews 13, sharing the painfully practical advice of scripture, and shares about some of our mission partners in the gospel of Jesus throughout the world.
What did Jesus mean when he told his disciples to love one another, just as he had loved them? What does that mean for us? Considering the characters around the table, we know right away that we need help!
We're so glad that youre worshiping with St. Timothy today!
What does it take to lay down our burdens and sins and run? Hebrews 12 gives us a plan. God gives us a better future, better example, and better community. When we move toward something better - it is easier to leave the past behind.
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today! There are a lot of fall ministry dates now on the calendar. Check our church email to learn about them all!
A lot of us are waiting. Our faith and experience don't feel like they match up, and it can be frustrating. The early church had that experience, too. Hebrews 11 is a great chapter for memory verses and quotes, but it also addresses our frustration with the promises of God that aren't yet fulfilled.
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We're so glad that you've joined us for thie Celebration Sunday! If you have a story about how the Lord has made a difference in your life, big or small, share it in the comments!
In the sermon today, we are looking at the "good life". What kind of life are we building, planning, dreaming, and sacrificng for. As you may expect, God has a lot to say about the topic.
We are also sharing the strategic vision for the next year - results of our vestry retreat a few weeks ago.
We're so glad you've joined us for worship today. Doug Smith, our pastoral care minister, shares today about the love of Jesus and our love for one another, challening us to love like Jesus.
We're so glad that youre worshipping with us today! We've got some great things happening in the next few weeks, so take the time to hear the announcements, or join our email list.
Martha and Mary have often been characterized say that the life of contemplation is somehow superior to the life of service. That's not quite right. This very short account from Luke 10 has something far more profound for the Lord to teach us.
We're so glad that you are with us for worship today! Paul and Timothy wrote a letter to a new church, and the opening is a beautiful summary of the work of Christ in salvation. Today, we look at the process of becoming like Christ, and especially considering who is doing what in the process.
Colossians 1:1-14
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today! In his first sermon, Joel Paulsen shares some characteristics of the New Creation from the lectionary readings, and encourages us to recognize and embrace the ways that God is building the New Creation in us.
We're so glad that you are worshiping with us this morning!
Today, we're looking at some characters in the Old Testament, Gospels, and Epistles. Again and again, there is a call to make decisions to follow God's leading, and their stories help us with our decisions.
What decisions is it time for you to make?