Welcome to Worship!
April 11, 2021 - 2nd Sunday of Easter
We're glad you've joined us for online worship today! In our world, peace is in short supply - but God promises us perfect peace. Today, we are going to look at that promise and the path to perfect peace.
He is Risen Indeed!
As we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord this morning, we also mark the first Sunday of gathering at our new location. It's still not wise, heathy, or possible for some of our members to gather - so we're encouraging you all to get as involved as possible in the online service!
Today, we finish the Holy Week series by asking the question, "What if death is not the end?" It's a question that was answered for us at the empty tomb.
You can follow the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UPEH3kxRW4ANGM_tzY2jSdEB7fPt6nvpDnOlQxbO1GQ/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship, and to the beginning of the Great "Three Days" of Easter. Typically an evening service, we are posting this in the morning for everyone to watch when they have time for reflection.
The Maundy Thursday service is a service of contemplation, where we remember the upper room, the garden, the betrayal, and the trial.
This year, as part of the Holy Week sermon series, we are considering the Grace that Restores. As Christ fulfills the Passover, he institutes the Holy Comuunion, by which His people are reminded of Salvation accomplished, salvation promised, and salvation possible now.
The liturgy is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FIlTq4i26nIZPGOAGanaVVJzZcHB4cS5n0fDnU8PlF8/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship! Today we enter into Holy Week, as we celebrate the recognition of Jesus as King.
We're beginning a sermon series that will carry us through the week. Grace that Saves. In part 1 today, we are discussing the Grace that Reigns - Jesus is King - but what kind of King, and what does that mean for me?
The liturgy is available here:
Welcome to Worship! (Mar. 21)
Today is the fifth Sunday of Lent, the season of reflection and preparation. We are concluding our teaching series today - looking at the love of God as revealed in scripture.
God has made a way to show us His love! In Christ, the love of God wells up within us, and makes us vehicles of his love for others. Through faith, the motivation for loving God moves from outside of us to inside of us as God writes his law and love on our hearts.
You can find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/15OUVOOL6Wsejw9VF6MKTR2l-_Y5G0cGuaA1CPGEWb2Q/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship! (Mar. 14)
Today is the fourth Sunday of Lent, the season of reflection and preparation. We are continuing our teaching series today - looking at the love of God as revealed in scripture.
Does God still love us when we’re out of bounds? Does He hold a grudge? We’ll look today at the tremendous truth of the Bible in Ephesians 2. He loves us still!
You can find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y0ifV8f84lnnGRkM-DlS2Qa68Icn8n97Qvcri3iogMI/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship! (Mar. 7)
Today is the third Sunday of Lent, the season of reflection and preparation. We are continuing our teaching series today - looking at the love of God as revealed in scripture.
We can easily believe that the law is bad a grace is good - but the scriptures tell a different story. Law and Commandments are an expression of God’s Love!
You can find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-Ga6T3NA1tC5Qugiu9TmgAlgpPUByZXliXAG5epvn9w/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship! (Feb. 28)
Today is the second Sunday of Lent, the season of reflection and preparation. We are continuing our teaching series today - looking at the love of God as revealed in scripture.
“After these things, God tested Abraham” This amazing statement from Genesis 22 opens the door for us to discuss trials, temptations, and testing. How is the love of God shown when things are hard?
You can find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u1zvOlQGqKorITkzczshrcOD0YOxLHsr44CaDYSTiBU/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship!
Today is the first Sunday of Lent, the season of reflection and preparation. We are beginning a new series today - looking at the love of God as revealed in scripture.
Every space needs a structure, and God has structured His love through promises called covenants. In the opening sermon of this series, we’ll discuss the nature of covenants, and see how we can rest comfortably within the covenant promises of God.
You can find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1oLRmATCxKtNE7n0Gh7E-g2Lr6YsdfEW3a2zqSzlUP4Q/edit?usp=sharing