Sacred things should be shared.
In this sermon, Deacon Dave Morris opens up the scriptures about the sabbath, as Jesus' disciples are criticezed over a minor point of law. Jesus' argument gives a much deeper insight into our relationship with the Father.
Mark 2:23-28
That's What Love is Like
This night, we remembered the washing of feet, the institution of the last supper, the new commandment to love, and the beginning of the Lord's suffering.
In Matthew 22, Jesus tells a story of a wedding where the invited guests decide not to attend. Deacon Dave brings us through the parable today, and invites us to reflect on the beauty of Jesus, and our God that welcomes us to the feast.
Jesus and the Outsider
Deacon David Morris stepped in as a last minute guest preacher, and shared a wonderful meditation on the gospel lesson.
What do we do with outsiders? When a woman approached Jesus for help, the disciples wanted Jesus to offer help and send the woman away. They wanted to find the easiest path to escape the situation.
Jesus, however, used the opportunity to foreshadow the beutiful expanse of His Kingdom, in which the walls that divide us come down through His death and resurrection.