We're so gad you're joining us today for worship! Happy Father's Day!
We are blessed today to hear from Pastor Phil Smith of the Nazarene Church in WIlliston. He shares about law and grace from Galatians.
Blessed Trinity Sunday! Today, Deacon Lyn invites us to share in the life of the Trinity, at the invitation of Jesus our savior.
Thanks for your patience for the late posting - we did not pre-record today's sermon.
We're do glad you're celebrating the Feast of Pentecost with us today! It's a reminder that the Holy Spirit belongs to all believers, and the mission of God does, too!
We're going all the way back to Genesis 11, the tower of Babel, and considering how that impacts the miraculous gift of tongues at Pentecost. Hint: It's not just about language.
Welcome to Worship!
Today is a Celebration Sunday, so share some testimonies in the comments! In the scripture meditation today, we are considering 1 Sam. 12, and what we should do when we've made a mess of our spiritual lives.
We're so glad you're worshipping with us this morning! We've mae a few changes to simplify things this week, and we are excited about connecting with our church members that can't be with us on Sunday morning.
Today, we are concluding our "Therefore, Let Us" sermon series. Hebrews 10:24 says "Let us consider how we might stir up one another to love and good deeds." Having been welcomed into the presence of God, and becoming like him, we join his mission in the world!
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We're so glad you're worshiping with us today. It's a simplified service this week, since Fr. Micah and some family members are recovering from Covid.
We are continuing our "Therefore, Let Us" series, based on Hebrews 10:19-25. Let us Hold Fast our confession without wavering. It can be hard to do that when we hear all kinds of ideas and perceptions on a daily basis. But He who promised is faithful.
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today! Happy Mothers Day!
We are continuing our series From Hebrews 10 - "Therefore, Let Us".
How do you hear God speak? Jesus promised that his sheep would hear his voice. Becuase we have access to the holy places, Let Us (Heb 10:22) draw near, and hear the voice of the good shepherd.
If you haven't taken a moment to fill out our survey, we are hoping to learn about how people are utilizing our alernate (Friday and Online) worship options.
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today!
Hebrews 10:19-25 is a beautiful passage about how to live in Jesus, and we'll be looking at it over the next few weeks in a series called, Therefore, Let Us.
Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, we can get impossible close to God. Today, in part 1, we consider that proximity.
We're so glad that you're worshiping with St. Timothy today! It's baptism day at our in-person worship, which is so exciting!
In the scriptures, we're considering "doubting" Thomas, who was kept unbelieving because of fear, hurt, and envy - until Jesus made Himself known.
We're so glad that you've joined in celebrating Christ's resurrection with us today!
As we celebrate new life today, we also conclude our series on Christ the Cornerstone. God has based all of history on the resurrection of Jesus, and that reality gives us structure, direction, and purpose. What cornerstone are we building our lives upon?
Our online service today is a simple worship and word service. If you'd like to see a recording of our in person service, please contact Fr. Micah.
Links to Parts 1 (Palm Sunday) and Part 2 (Maundy Thursday) of this series:
To connect with Fr. Micah, send a message to the facebook page, or email micah@sttimothyburlington.org