Welcome to Worship!
Today is the second Sunday of Advent, and we are looking at 2 Peter 3, a fascinating passage about the end of the world. How can we have peace when everything is collapsing around us?
Find the liturgy here:
Thanks for worshipping with us today!
Welcome to Worship!
Today is the first Sunday of Advent, and we are opening our church year with a new series - Heartwarming Defiance!
Christians are known as a people of hope - but how do we keep that hope alive when things look bleak?
You can find the liturgy for today’s service here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BVpCG7d1QSKf7QdrZRz2vXUwMQYO4ChYrUEI60YRa1w/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship!
This morning, we are looking at the parable of the virgins in Mt. 25. Jesus tells us to be prepared. For what? How do we get ready?
Find the litgurgy for today's service here:
Welcome to Worship! November 1, 2020.
Today is All Saints Day, so we are remembering those wonderful examples of faithful life that have led and encouraged us in our faith.
Today, we are asking about what we do when the church hurts us? Looking at Ephesians 1, we frame the theological truth and give some beginning steps toward healing.
Find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1EIiibxYWbTz8P9JftQOlHJ-ePXIHOVaa6IqFtRU4W30/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship!
Today, we are discussing the great commandment - a question that was intended to trap and embarrass Jesus, but He turned into an incredibly insightful teaching!
Follow the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/18j7jXstHxTg1fRZoXO6yJFw3eSUqVr6z0R3VWqoHlOQ/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship!
Today, we held our October outdoor gathering! (sorry about the wind noise and late posting).
Today, we discuss Jesus' instruction to give to Caesar what belongs to him, and to God what belings to Him - religion and politics in our Lord's teaching.
Follow the service here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ygz3Gxd7kkvzdFRMDSPXYhAJdP93Y_TdXygcIn7aCgU/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship! October 11, 2020
Today, we learn the one simple trick to perfect contentment. Paul teaches it in Philippians 4.
Follow the liturgy here:
Welcome to Worship!
This morning, we are exploring Paul's encouragement to press on toward the goal. How do we press on when things seem so challenging?
Find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xXY4kB4hEaR06NroscYgrM8TBYWT2VebSDVCfiyk6bY/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship!
Today we held our first public gathering since March! It was such a joy! Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen.
We focus on our heart toward those who come after us, looking at the parable of the laborers in Mt. 20.
Because of the outdoor setting, the sound quality is a little rougher than usual.
Follow the service here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s6Meo-1-zcrXVXctFRyEhb2nJzLGUWdXNfVQXadw2nk/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship! Sept 13, 2020
Today, we are discussing "Strong" and "Weak" believers in Romans 14. How should we treat fellow Christians that have different spiritual habits?
Follow the service here: