We're so glad that you're worshiping with St. Timothy today! It's baptism day at our in-person worship, which is so exciting!
In the scriptures, we're considering "doubting" Thomas, who was kept unbelieving because of fear, hurt, and envy - until Jesus made Himself known.
We're so glad that you've joined in celebrating Christ's resurrection with us today!
As we celebrate new life today, we also conclude our series on Christ the Cornerstone. God has based all of history on the resurrection of Jesus, and that reality gives us structure, direction, and purpose. What cornerstone are we building our lives upon?
Our online service today is a simple worship and word service. If you'd like to see a recording of our in person service, please contact Fr. Micah.
Links to Parts 1 (Palm Sunday) and Part 2 (Maundy Thursday) of this series:
To connect with Fr. Micah, send a message to the facebook page, or email micah@sttimothyburlington.org
We're so glad you're worshiping with us during Holy Week.
Tonight is the night of the Last Supper, Washing the Disciples' Feet, the Garden, and the Betrayal. As we continue or series, shaped by Psalm 118:22, we are talking about what it means that His body was broken for us.
We'll have a similar worship/word video on Easter Sunday.
Hosanna to the Son of David!
We're so glad you've joined us today to celebrate Palm Sunday and to begin Holy Week.
We are spending the week reflecting on the "stone the builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone." We begin by considering rejection. All of us have been, at times, rejected. Jesus was, too. Even in the midst of being hailed as king, the plot to kill him began. This rejection was not unintentional, and sets the stage for our relationship with him.
We're so gad you're worshipping with us today!
We're closing our Abide Series, by looking at how the way of love can defeat the path of power. God's Love can do far more than any other force in the world.
We're also looking forward to celebrating Holy Week with you!
We're so glad to worship with you this morning.
Today, we return to our sermon series, Abide. We're picking up Paul's "more excelelnt way" through the lens of a famous parable - the Lost Son. It's actually the story of two loveless sons, and a father who desperately wants them to know Him.
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today!
What are you hoping for? It's an important question for all of us to ask, and we're asking it today as we continue our series, "Abide". Abram, Jesus, Paul, and the early Christians all had a hope that brought them to the other side of dark places. We still have that hope.
We're glad you're here! Thanks for joining us in worship today.
We're opening the season of Lent, and continuing our sermon series, Abide.
What is faith? It's the way we understand the world around us, the priority of the truths we accept. Everyone you've ever met has faith of some kind. The Christian faith tells us that our story is part of a bigger story, and it shapes the way we perceive the world.
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today as we launch our Lenten sermon series (a week before Lent begins).
In the face of a world that could lead us to despair, and among people that prize power, Christians are told that faith, hope, and love abide. These should shape our understanding of the worls and ourselves, and help us hold on to the promises of God.
We're so glad you're worshiping with St. Timothy today!
Finishing up our series on the foundations of worship, today we ask an important question about the resurrection of Jesus: Does it matter? Is it just a theological construct, or can it actually change the way we think, live, and act?