We're so glad you're with us today!
When Paul was in trouble, what happened to his support system? How did his friends respond? We'll look today at the end of 2 Timothy to find his perspective, and how it can change ours.
We're so glad you are with us today!
Can you win when you wrestle with God? After all of our efforts and intrigues, we come face to face with our own sin. Jacob in Genesis wrestled with God. Paul encouraged Timothy to trust the scriptures. When we wrestle God, we always lose - and are the better for it.
Today, we're finishing up our series on prayer, and thinking about prophetic prayer. All of us can live prophetically, if we live according to the truth of God's word and the reality behind the visible. We'll look at the prophet Habakkuk in the Old Testament and Timothy in the New Testament to see how people of faith can respond to a broken world and frustrating circumstances.
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today, as we continue our conversation about prayer in the life of the Christian.
How do you hear from God? Do you hear His voice? Contemplative prayer is intended to help us hear from God. It's incredible, because our relational Creator wants to speak to us. Through the Holy Spirit, He does. We can learn to develop our spiritual ears to hear his voice!
We're do glad you're joinging us today as we continue our conversation around prayer. We launched the series last week on the topic of confession. Today, we're talking about intercession - or praying for stuff. What prayers count? Are some better than others?
We're also traying a simplified version for a few weeks - really just the sermon and scripture. It would be great to hear your thoughts on the format.
Have a great week! God bless you!
Today, we begin a teaching series on prayer. How does prayer make you feel? Excited? Anxious? For many of us, prayer feels like a duty that we have to do. But it's really a beautful invitation into the heart of God.
We begin the series talking about the gift of confession, where we experience the grace, mercy, and love of God - when we're at our worst.
We're back after two weeks, and we're so glad you're worshiping with us. We'll get the last two sermons posted as soon as possible.
Today, we are looking at hurt and reconciliation. Paul found himself between two believers with real issues with one another. His letter to Philemon as a great example of honesty and hope, as he seeks to settle the situation. We discover that there is a great distance between refusing to forget our hurts and always remembering our hope.
We're so glad that youre worshiping with St. Timothy today!
What does it take to lay down our burdens and sins and run? Hebrews 12 gives us a plan. God gives us a better future, better example, and better community. When we move toward something better - it is easier to leave the past behind.
We're so glad you're worshiping with us today! There are a lot of fall ministry dates now on the calendar. Check our church email to learn about them all!
A lot of us are waiting. Our faith and experience don't feel like they match up, and it can be frustrating. The early church had that experience, too. Hebrews 11 is a great chapter for memory verses and quotes, but it also addresses our frustration with the promises of God that aren't yet fulfilled.
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