Every reformation and revival in the history of the church has placed all believers in the role of ministry - a doctrine called the priesthood of all believers. Priests are called to ministry and service.
Today, Bp. Andrew shows from Exodus, 1 Peter, and Matthew the beautiful calling that Jesus gives us.
What is the joy that was set before Jesus? According to Hebrews, it was His motivation for enduring the cross, and it may surprise you.
Bishop Andrew Williams of the Anglican Diocese in New England preached this message while he visited St. Timothy. During this joyful service, he confirmed and received new members.
Thanks for joining St. Timothy today!
We were blessed to have our bishop, Andrew WIlliams, of Anglican Diocese in New England lead our service today.
He preached the gospel of love, salvation, and forgiveness from the prophet Zechariah. Joshua, the high priest, had his filthy garments exchanged for pure ones by the gift of God. In the same way, Christ overcomes all of our faults, and exchanges our sin for His righteousness.
We also collected an amazing number of gift cards to bless kids and families in foster care! Thank you! Watch our weekly email for a final count.
The liturgy and slides are shared with the video.
Welcome to Worship!
Today, we welcome Bishop Andrew Williams and Canon Brian Bethke for virtual worship.
Bp. Andrew is sharing from Luke 18, the parable of the tax collector and Pharisee.
Thanks for joining us!
The liturgy can be found here: