The Salvation Jesus Provides

Jonah 2:1-10
Psalm 29
Romans 9:1-5
Matthew 14:22-33
Welcome to Worship! August 9, 2020

We're glad you're worshipping with us today! We're looking at the salvation(s) that Jesus provided for Peter as he sank into the sea this morning. Follow the liturgy here: Join us at 11 on Zoom for a virtual coffee hour to check in (Message for the link)

Posted by St. Timothy Anglican Church on Saturday, August 8, 2020

God’s Faithfulness

Nehemiah 9:16-21
Psalm 78:13-25
Romans 8:35-39
Matthew 14:13-21
Welcome to Worship! Aug 2, 2020

Welcome to Worship with St. Timothy! Follow today's service here: Today, we are discussing the faithfulness of God to His people, who are often less than faithful. Please join us for a virtual coffee hour at 11am today (Send a DM for the Zoom link)

Posted by St. Timothy Anglican Church on Saturday, August 1, 2020