Welcome to Worship!
We come to Christ as children, but we're expected to grow up. How do we do that? Paul has some wisdom in Ephesians 4 for us.
Find the liturgy here (online service begins on p.11):
Welcome to St. Timothy!
Today is the Eighth Sunday after Trinity, and we are looking at the immense riches of the Father, and why Paul prayed for the Ephesian church (ch.3) to be strengthened in their inner being!
We are currently offering this online morning prayer servive, and a weekly communion service on Sunday mornings in person.
The liturgy is available here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1s51giGKoi0m0zcnK_BAJvVCnwYeTtR3iOz3UdSRpsr8/edit?usp=sharing
Thanks for worshipping with us!
Welcome to St. Timothy!
Today is the 7th Sunday after Trinity, and we are looking at the story of the feeding of the 5,000 in Mark's gospel. The disciples arrived exhausted and unprepared for the work that Jesus had for them. Jesus what little they had to offer, and used it to do a great wonder.
Find the liturgy here:
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Welcome to Worship!
Today, we're talking abour Amos, the amateur prophet. In a world of sleek professional religiosity, God sent a shepherd with a message of judgment to His people.
You can folow the liturgy in the video, or here (Morning Prayer begins on p.11): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IQMHhbgHMaqmaOlab8N0-We5etMmEdISNZQl4hfSje8/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship!
Today is the 5th Sunday after Trinity, and it is American Independence Day (Happy 4th of July!). We are praying today for our nation and its leaders.
This morning, we are looking at 2 Corinthians 12, and exploring the difference between pride (bad) and being proud (good). How can we know the difference?
You can find the liturgy here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1paCa_hkVwkH2zOKE5Wgm3oALDkjDCsivMyl4wXdOfj4/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship!
It's the 4th Sunday after Trinity Sunday, and we are concluding our series on worship in the Psalms, as Amanda teaches about how generosity is linked to worship.
Thanks for praying, worshipping, and learning with us!
Welcome to Worship!
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads in our lives!
Today we are continuing our conversation about worship and the role it plays in our lives, by looking at Psalm 107. What is your story? Who are the heros, and what role do you play? Worship done well gives us an important self understanding.
As of this week, we are shifting to a Morning Prayer format. The liturgy is available here (after the in person liturgy): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DpV7hZRACGQPr_n8I5ByCpNPAlG9eVx8CWbiWu6310Q/edit?usp=sharing
Welcome to Worship! June 13, 2021
Today, we are continuing our look at the Psalms, and seeing how worship done well shapes us. In the second part of the series, we explore Psalm 92, and see how the shape of worship asks, explores, and answers our questions.
Welcome to Worship!
First Sunday after Trinity, 2021
Today we are beginning a series on worship! Looking at the Psalms, what should a good worship service do? How should our sould be affected by gathering with the people of God?
Today, we are led by Psalm 130 into a discussion of waiting. All of creation waits, and worship helps us do that well.
Welcome to Worship!
Today, we are marking Trinity Sunday - the doctrine that draws us into the mystery of the Godhead - more than the sum of His parts!
We are also remembering in our prayers that this weekend is Memorial Day weekend, and thanking God for the lives given in defense of our nation.
Thanks for worshipping with us!