Thanks for joining St. Timothy for worship and prayer this morning!
God called the prophets of the Old Testament (and still does today) to speak truth to people who didn't want to hear it. This morning, we are looking at the role of prophets as we continue our series: God-breathed. 17 books of the Old Testament are the voice of God to His people.
Thanks for joining St. Timothy this morning!
This is the third week in our "God-breathed" series - looking at the sections and literary genres of scripture. Today, we consider the five Old Testament books of wisdom and poetry. In them, we discover that the redemption we find is the redemption of all of our lives, and the gospel meets us in every sphere of life!
Find the liturgy here (begins on p.12):
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Thanks for joining St. Timothy today!
The Historical books of the Old Testament cover about 800 years of events in the life of God's people. What do they teach us about God, and what do they show us about the bigger, deeper, more beautiful story of our redemption?
Find the liturgy here (begins on p.12):
Thanks for joining St. Timothy today!
We are beginning a new series today: God-breathed! We will be looking at different parts of scripture over the next several weeks, to see how the great story of Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration is told throughout the 66 books of the Bible.
Part 1 is the Law - the first 5 books - the foundation for all of our morality and understanding of Christ's sacrifice. Even though these can be challenging books, they have incredible value for the Christian life!
Find the liturgy here (begins on p,12):
Thanks for joining St. Timothy today!
What is the best seat in the house when you come to church? Who gets it? As we come back to the book of James today, we learn that our value systems change in the community of the Kingdom.
You can see the liturgy here:
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Thanks for joining St. Timothy today!
All of us should be quick to listen and slow to speak, so is outrage the correct response, even to injustice? God sees it, and wants us to see it, but man's anger does not bring forth the righteousness of God.
You can find the liturgy here:
Slides at the end of the video can help you join our email list or support the work of St. Tim's!
Thanks for joining St. Timothy today!
We are talking about testimony today! Moses stood before Israel and instructed the people to take care, lest they forget. Knowing our stories keeps us on track.
At our in person service, we are sharing testimonies - so the online service is shorter than usual. We will have our next Celebration Sunday on Oct 31.
You can find the liturgy here:
Welcome to St. Timothy!
When Jesus gave a hard teaching in John 6, many of his followers departed. Today, we are asking how we can approach challenging passages of scripture. Three questions help us - 1) Does it really say that? 2) Does it really mean that? 3) Is it really worth doing?
You can find the liturgy here:
Please remember Afghanistan and Haiti in your prayers. You can find a call to prayer from Abp. Foley here, along wth links to support ARDF:
Welcome to St. Timothy!
Today, we are looking at Proverbs 9, and asking how we can discern between all of the competing voices that clamber for our attention and affection.
You can find the liturgy here:
Welcome to Worship!
Will there be Kale in heaven? Today we are looking at Ephesians 4, and Paul's instruction to take off our old self, be renewed in the Spirit of our minds, and put on a new self. This is the grace of God that makes us want to be righteous, holy, moral, and good.
Find the liturgy here:
If you'd like a visit, call, or communion - please contact Fr. Micah by sending a message to the fb page.