As part of our "Summer of Mission" testimony series, today we hear from Deb Couture, the executive director of Aspire Now.
*Sermon Begins at 5:20
In a world of voices that compete for our attention, how do we know which voices to listen to? Proverbs 9 pictures a young man looking for love. Two women, Wisdom and Folly, call for his attention. The result of his decision is life and death. How can he make the right choice?
Sermon begins at 19:20.
Today, we hear a testimony from one of our church members! Tammy has a ministry of spiritual direction, and gives us some insight as part of our "Summer of Mission".
Then, we begin our summer series, "The Examined Life". The book of Proverbs gives us hundreds of opportunities to consider our values, choices, and lifestyle. It begins at the beginning - the fear of the Lord.
In John 14, Jesus promised his disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit. THis gift, poured out on Pentecost, enabled the early apostles (and still us!) to do the same works, and greater, that Jesus was doing. The goal is the same - to reveal the Father, through the Son, with the Holy Spirit, in the Church. We have been co-missioned, and our success is all wrapped up in the success of the Kingdom of God.
This morning, we celebrate a baptism!
In today's sermon, Deacon Lyn shares some reflections from the Great High Priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17. In this remarkable prayer, Jesus gives a picture of His glory, and an example of our relationship with the Father.
Happy Mother's Day! Today, we're lookin g at 1 Peter 3, which gives us a seemingly impossible instruction. We aren't to repay evil for evil.
In order to accomplish this, we first must know who we are, what promises God has made us, and get practice within community. Mothers give us a beautiful picture of the self-sacrifical love of Jesus that makes this a reasonable and posisble response.
Kids these days.....
For all the frustration that the questions and challenges of young people can give to their elders, they play a critical role in the life of God's People. This role is on display in Deuteronomy 6, where instruction is given for answering the challenges of the younger generation about these "testimonies, statutes, and rules."
Perspective is critical on this question, as we seek to entrust the glorious gospel of Jesus to the next generation.
1 Peter 2 calls unjust duffering a gracious thing in the eyes of God. Does that mean God wants us to suffer? Not at all. We take a look at this passage, addressed to people who were suffering horribly, and discuover that for the first time in human history, suffering is separated from holiness. Those who suffer unjustly didn't have it coming. Instead, Jesus meets them there and assures them of His great love for them.
Burning Hearts: Faith, Hope, and Love on the walk to Emmaus
Deacon Lyn shares today from Luke 24 - a well known passage about walking with Jesus after the resurrection.
Thanks for checking in with St. Timothy today!
On this Sunday after Easter, we are remembering God's wonderful covenants. Throughout history and scripture, God has bound Himself in contracts with His people. Again and again, he takes all the responsibility, and our job is only relationship - made fully possible in the New Covenant of Jesus.
* Full service recording available by request
Thanks for joining St. Timothy today for worship. We are celebrating the resurrection together!
Peter grew up with a long list of things to do that made him a "good" person. The truth is, we all have a mental list of what makes someone "good."
When confronted with a group of people in Acts 10 that didn't fit his list, but who were obviously full of the Holy Spirit, Peter had to make a choice: his list, or his lord.
Send a message or email for the link to the full service, including music. We don't post it publicly because we'd rather not put people on the internet without consent.
(Sorry for the distortion in the video - a recording equipment issue)