Word and Work pt. 1 - The Law of Liberty
James 1:17-27
The book of James has always been controversial. It's been accused of legalistic, but it contains great wisdom and great truth.
In today's passage, we wrestle with the question of what makes us good. There are a lot of messages out there in the world about how we can be good, but all of them leave us wanting something else. God's word to us is that we can only be saved by receiving God's word, the gospel, and putting it into action.
*Apologies for sound quality on this one
Acts 26
As Paul stood before the court, he poured out his testimony. He had seen a wonder that had changed his life. Yet, he found his story dismissed.
The world is full of false wonders, hoaxes, and deceptions - but that does not mean that all wonders are false.
The gospel of Jesus is a world-changing wonder, and generations of believers testify to its reality and power. This wonder must be at the center of our mission.
Wisdom and Folly
Proverbs 9
In this summer sermon, Amanda McGann shares from Proverbs 9 - Lady Wisdom and Woman Folly - two paths offered to those who will listen.
*Unofrtuntely, the last two minutes of the sermon had a recording issue. But what we have is really encouraging and informative!
#SundaySermon #sttimsvt
Bodies and Souls
John 6:37-51
In this summer sermon, Deacon Molly Holleran traces the Biblical pattern of miraculous food, showing that God cares for our needs, both spiritual and physical.
#SundaySermon #sttimsvt
*This video was recorded on a phone. The sound quality is ok, but not great.
Bread, Wind, and Real Bread
John 6
In this summer sermon, Paul Hines shares some lessons from John 6. Through a series of teachings and miracles, Jesus demonstrates his care and love for the crowds, while declining to become king on their terms.
#sttimsvt #SundaySermon
Faith in the Face of Frustration
Mark 6:45-52
The disciples were frustrated. In obedience to Jesus, they had set out to cross the sea, and now they were rowing hard against a storm and not getting anywhere. Until Jesus calms the storm.
In this summer sermon, Deacon Dave shares about the frustrations of life, the intercession of Jesus, and the lesson Jesus was teaching his disciples in that boat... Apart from Him, we can do nothing.
#sttimsvt #SundaySermon
Healing the Unjust
Isaiah 57:14-21
Joel Paulsen draws from the prophet Isaiah, Julian of Norwich, and C.S. Lewis in this summer sermon, showing the mercy of God for salvation.#sttimsvt #SundaySermon
God Still Works in Hard Places
Ezekiel 2:1-7, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-6
In this sermon, Deacon Molly Holleran shares testimony and encouragement of God's good fruit in hard places.
Dead with Christ
2 Corinthians 5:14-21
In this sermon from the summer, Joel Paulsen shares about life with Christ, and more than that, death with Christ. The beautiful promise of God that arises from this unexpected way of putting things is that we are new creations in Jesus through faith - even when we don't feel like new creations.
Mystery and Majesty
June 16, 2024
In this sermon from the summer, Deacon Dave shares from 2 Corinthians and Mark's gospel. The gospel of Christ brings us to a place of wonder, awe, and gratitude.